Sunday, January 15, 2012

Half Gone

Sooo...I got about half my hair cut off and slightly layered.  Despite my eyes being closed, I am not, in fact, dead.

It was a combined effort over two days by my little mama (the cutting) and my sister (the layering). I think it looks rather leonine, which is fitting since my star sign is a Leo! I got bored of my hair being so long. See, I'm essentially lazy, particularly with my hair. Looking back at my blog pics for the last month it had just been scraped back every day into a bun or a braid of some sort. And the braids were lovely, but my face really does look the best with my hair down. So I took the plunge and got it whacked off again!

Even if I start hating it, my hair grows very fast. Compare my hair last January to December!
January 2011
December 2011


  1. Holy crap your hair does grow fast! That's a remarkable amount of length in one year: I think the average for humans in only a couple of inches. The new cut is cute!

  2. Good choice to go shorter! It has much more bounce and really frames your face in a flattering way. :) You're lucky to have some wonderful in-house stylists.

  3. Whoa-dang, nice haircut! I can't stand to go more than about seven or eight weeks before my hair starts getting "too long" and driving me up the wall--nearly a year might actually drive me to shave it completely.
