Saturday, January 5, 2013


Cardi and boots - Simply Be, Leggings - Walmart.
I might have been a little overgenerous with my brag about being not dead in my last post. I have the Nasty Crud Cold with Added Sore Throatfor extra fun. Hence yesterday's cozy layers.

Suffice it to say, I won't be singing in the choir tomorrow at church or even doing much talking today. But, I want you to be entertained. Why not be entertained and learn something? The Vlog Brothers have another channel, Crash Course, where they teach you little 11 minute snippets of a course over 40 or so weeks. (Or if you're catching up and you get involved, you can mainline them.) John Green has previously done a World History course and is doing a Literature course now, and Hank Green has done a Biology course and is now doing an Ecology course. Here's the first World History

1 comment:

  1. Erin - hope you're feeling better! I hope you're getting lots of rest, fluids, and squeezing in some reading as well. :)
    I enjoyed the course - consider me officially sucked in.
