Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Do Not Operate Heavy Machinery

It might have been windy this morning.

So what did you do this holiday weekend? I had a severe allergy grossness that morphed into a cold, and I discovered another normal medicine I can't take! Woo-hoo! My eyes were constantly watering, so I took a generic OTC allergy pill of my sister's; one that she gives my niece when Ellie has an allergic reaction to anything. And...it was like I was stoned. Or drunk. It hit me hard, I stumbled around the house to my bed and slept for six hours. Because I'm awesome, and I'm unable to take normal medicine anymore thanks to my large collection of anti-seizure medications. All I can take is a decongestant (not useful, considering that I never have any congestion and sneeze frequently).

I also started using my own home-made shampoo! It's super-easy to make, but I need to make a conditioner now. I don't sneeze as much in the shower (when I am not suffering from a cold) and it works great.

Top and Pants - Avenue, Shoes - Dexter, Necklace - repurposed earring.


  1. Aw man, I hope you're feeling better soon, if not already. Medicines do weird enough things to our bodies without awesome contraindications, so that sucks.

    I'm planning on going homemade-shampoo/no-shampoo (I just...I can't say no-poo, I just CAN'T) after this weekend when I get a buzz cut. Should be an adventure! It's good to have another DIY recipe to consider.

  2. I'm with you on an inability to say "no-poo"... it just sounds too childish. But I use/occasionally use too much product to not shampoo at all. Before I got my heinous cold, this homemade recipe didn't make me sneeze at all! I can't wait to see you with a buzz!
