So it turns out that to exchange those bags I got that I didn't want, I would have to ship them back to China...on my dime, in the original packaging. Which would cost $27.95, which is almost as much as one of the bags! So, guess what ladies! I'm selling them off! Truly, the only reason I'm not keeping them is that I personally have to have a shoulder strap or the weight of all the stuff I cram into my bags will cause my arms to fall off. The first person to claim a bag gets it, and we'll do the payment through my Etsy shop as a reserved item. Both prices include shipping within the US. (If you live outside the US, we might have to adjust it by a few bucks.)
Found you through Already Pretty. Any takers on the red purse yet?
ReplyDeleteNope, Jana, no takers on the red one! Just buy it here
I sent you a couple of questions thru Etsy.