Friday, December 16, 2011

So excited for Friday!

 Yay! Friday! It's been such a long week. [Cue frantic smile in above picture.] One week of work left and then Christmas vacation for me. I have mostly everyone's presents - I'm only lacking a few things for the munchkins. I love shopping for other people. The only problem is that when I find that wonderful present for someone, I immediately want to give it to them. I'm not big on waiting, but I actually started shopping in November this year, so it's been really hard on me not just flinging presents at people so I can see their faces.

 This red sweater is about as Christmassy as I like to dress. I'm not an elementary teacher, you know (no offense intended). Red or maybe green (and not both together) is enough for me. I have to stop the little mama from getting me overly Christmassy shirts, or just sigh and wear one on Christmas to make her happy.

Jen says this is a flip - two strands of hair twisted over each other, not a true braid. I've also seen it described as a rope braid.

Sweater - Avenue, Pants - Denim 24/7, and yes, I did put on jewelry and shoes later.


  1. Oh, the frantic smile. I'm feeling you on that one. So glad it's Friday! Hahaha, and I ended up giving Mike his Christmas present at the beginning of the month (an electric mattress pad--so sweet and romantic and not-practical of me, I know) so it could be put to use right away. Living in a house with no central heating is tough!

  2. It is moments like this that I miss the 17" I cut off this summer. Lovely.

  3. I LOVE that sweater on you! It really defines that hourglass figure. Go Erin! (And I love the non-braid too. I need Jen to come do my hair.)

  4. Thanks all! It's taken me a year to grow my hair back out to where I want it, so I'm really pleased by the compliments! And Jessie, without Jen to do my braids, it would be buns or ponytails ALL the time!

  5. This outfit really complements your figure - sexy in work clothes, I'm jealous. So glad you have this blog and can introduce large dunces like me to awesome resources.
